美国 122 部法律,300 多类案件,全球律师团队为您服务! 如果您或您的朋友有法律服务需求,可点击左下方留言咨询。
美国 F-1 学生签证需要准备的材料:
1. 有效护照(注意:护照有效期需要在开学日的六个月以上的有效期);
2. 两张五年期标准的护照照片。
3. I-20表,由学校签发。
4. 在美住所证明,一般为住房合同、租房协议或者学校宿舍的住宿证明;
5. 资金证明(注意:此项为辅助申请材料,不是必须提供的材料):存款和银行流水单,金额至少满足来美的初期生活费和学习期间总花费即可;父母的工作和收入证明原件;
6. 如果申请人在过去 12 个月内在美国有过停留记录(除免签国家外),还需要准备之前入境美国的 I-94,以及离境前的飞机票行程单;
7. 申请人本人近期所照的白底免冠照。 另外,除了以上硬性要求的材料之外,还需准备好一些能够证明自己能力的证明材料。例如高中阶段的成绩单及高中毕业证、英语水平成绩证明等等。
F1 签证面签问答:
Q&A 关于赴美目的
Question: Why USA? Because of your friend or relative in America, which is not a good reason to stay for long time there. You can visit them and go back home as often you like. And if they are relatives, why don’t they sponsor you? What do you plan to study there with so poor English skills? In fact, the most important purpose in getting visa is studying in US universities but it seems that is just an empty talk because all documents show different things: you want to come here only because of family members who live in New Jersey, right? The reasons you give about going school may be true, but how will you make out when you get there? Answer: My friends' cousin lives near where my university is, he has invited me over; i have been wanting to learn english since middle school so coming here would help me improve greatly at it...
In order to answer this question correctly, we must remember what our main goal is: to convince officer that you really intend on attending college despite language barriers etc. Remember that you should always try to provide concrete answers even if those answers seem "impossible" such as explaining how you will overcome your lack of knowledge. For example: yes, learning english takes years but by using online course books (i use 'barron's series book set') listening to lectures in class everyday after classes & reading newspaper articles every day. With hard work maybe i could speak decent english within one year? Also, while some students might say things like “it doesnt matter” or that “they teach us how to write reports”, officers need more specifics than these vague statements: explain exactly why