我来写个语言班的签证存款证明吧~ 申请语言班的话会涉及一个CAS(confirmation of acceptance for study),需要先拿到学校的offer才能申请到cas number(现在学校都挺智能的,你可以在官网上直接找到)。 这个case是语言班入学的重要凭证之一哦!
然后,就是需要准备的材料啦—— 1.护照 2.两张护照照片 3.CAS以及CAS对应的reference code (有的学校会把这两个信息发邮件或者发给你的邮箱里;我是在UCAS上申请的,所以我的CAS和reference code都是UCAS给我的信里面一起寄过来的,两封信和所有材料都放在一个袋子里边~) 4.语言班的入学确认书(confirmation letter from English language center) 5.语言班的收费收据(receipt showing payment to your chosen university or college) 6.住宿确认单或住宿费用的支付凭证及住宿合同(letter confirming that you have booked accommodation at the institution where you will be studying and a copy of any relevant cheque, bank transfer receipt etc.or an offer of accommodation with signed contractual agreement on a rental/licence agreement basis — if applicable.If staying in student halls of residence, this would usually take the form of an official confirmation of occupancy which includes details such as start date and end date of tenancy along with name of landlord, address, type of room and rent paid.Where students stay outside institutional accommodation it may be necessary to provide evidence of ownership of property or a written agreement between yourself and another person specifying the length of time of your residency.)
好啦,这些准备好之后呢就去找银行开存款证明啦~~ 不同的银行可能需要的材料和存期都不太一样哦,最好还是去一趟问问清楚比较保险哟~ 我当时开的银行存款证明有5000磅,按照我当时开得来说可能需要提供的资料如下: 1.护照 2.CAS reference code 3.雅思成绩单复印件 4.开存款证明的账号和密码 注意哦,开这个存款证明是要收手续费哒,好像是25镑的样子...