

MIT学生,本科。 一般建议(仅供参考): i7-8700 or AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (CPU) 32GB RAM DDR4 2666 (Memory) Intel UHD 630 + Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti (Graphics) 512GB Samsung EVO Plus (SSD) + 1TB 7,200rpm HDD (Storage) Apple Macbook Pro 15 (Macbook Air is too underpowered for CSA, though if you're on the computer science track then it might be fine.)

If you want to be able to code at home and do anything but game or run high-fidelity simulations/animate with heavy graphics, consider this: i7-9700K or Ryzen 9 3900X (CPU) 64GB RAM DDR4 2933 (Memory) GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER (or a Quadro RTX 4000 for professional graphics) 512GB NVMe SSD + 2x1TB 7,200 rpm HDD (Storage) Windows 10 Professional (PC running Linux would be more appropriate for some things)

A good way to think about what you need your PC to be capable of is by thinking of three types of workloads that you will be doing:

For general computing, like browsing the web, editing photos, videos and documents, etc. ——

The machine should be powerful enough to comfortably handle multiple simultaneous tasks, with no waiting around for each task to complete. If something takes longer than expected, make sure you can switch back and forth between different programs smoothly without needing to shut down any of them first、 restarting或close one and reopen another等等不必要地增加消耗的时间。

对于计算密集型工作负载,比如分析数据,做数学和统计学运算,编写代码和运行程序,以及使用深度学习框架训练模型——这些任务需要大量重复性操作,适合利用多核并发来提升效率,因此最好选择支持多线程的 CPU。 如果是科学计算方向的话,考虑到以后会用到虚拟机或者容器来做开发,测试,调试等工作,内存最好大一些,32gb勉强可以,但要是在里面装一大堆东西那就太挤了,会影响体验。 另外,为了获得最佳性能,建议安装最新的 Windows 版本,因为微软会不断在更新中加入对新的硬件加速的支持。
