我以在澳学习工作和生活的经验来分享下日常英语吧,以供题主参考。 个人认为在澳大利亚留学生活,重点要掌握的英文词汇大概有两千左右就行了(当然,如果你计划长期居住和生活在这边,想要流利使用英文是没有上限的)。这些词都是日常交流高频使用的,也是能够很快熟练掌握的。如果能把这两千个单词搞定了,基本可以在生活中无阻碍地沟通了。而剩下3000左右的难点词汇,就可以在日常生活和工作中慢慢积累。这里顺便分享一个我在澳洲用的背单词app——Airtripp,里面有很多好玩有趣的背单词小游戏,助记功能也很强大。 下面是一些例句,可以更直观地感受2000核心词汇的应用场景。
1. You can leave your luggage at the bag drop if you don't have time to unpack. 如果您没时间拆开行李,可以把行李放在bag drop。
2. Once you reach a certain age, it becomes more difficult to live with your parents. 一旦到了某个年龄,与父母同住就变得困难了。
3. Why are you always in such a bad mood? 你总是一个人生闷气吗?
4. My favorite season is autumn, when the weather is mild and crisp. 我最喜欢的季节是秋季,天气温和、空气清新。
5. I couldn't find my way out of the forest on foot. 我徒步走出了森林。
6. We had an argument last night and haven't spoken since then 我们昨晚吵架了,至今没有说话。
7. She was dressed in a pink flowery dress that made her look like a fairy. 她穿着粉红色的花边连衣裙,看上去就像个小仙女。
8. He got into his car and drove away. 他上了车走了。
9. How long does it take for him to finish all these tasks? 他完成所有这些任务需要多长时间?
10. Are there any restaurants nearby? 附近有餐厅吗?
11. Let me know if you need help with anything else! 有任何需要帮忙的地方请随时告诉我!