I am a first year MSc student from the world's number one university. This is my 3rd month in London and I have got to know all of you very well by now. You are all wonderful individuals with so much potential but for some reason, most of you seem unhappy. You look depressed or stressed out and it makes me wonder what’s going on behind closed doors...
The reasons why I think you might not be happy can be summed up into two parts:
1) The academic environment at Imperial College is extremely competitive and if you are not willing to put yourself under constant pressure, you will never succeed. Not only do your tutors expect you to work hard(and they are right to do so)but also your peers will always be there to make sure that you are working as hard as possible. It is a ‘survival of the fittest’ system where only the strongest minds thrive, and those who fall off along the way are just pushed over, no matter how brilliant you were when you entered. The system may not be perfect but it is an incentive to study, an incentive which I feel has really benefitted me because we need to work in order to survive and we need to study in order to get whatever job we want in life(if that makes sense to you). So in a way, this harsh regime is making us stronger, giving us more drive and determination, although sometimes too much………
2) I believe another thing that is putting a strain on your mental health is the fact that you have chosen to live away from home. Although this sounds like such an exciting time in our lives, spending 7 days a week with people whom you share nothing with(except maybe the same tutors)can lead to loneliness and frustration. If you wanted to go shopping with friends, you would probably end up buying clothes for yourself, going to restaurants would mean ordering food for you; everything is about you and you can get frustrated with that because you don't have anyone else to share your problems with. On top of that, being away from home means that you are more likely to make mistakes, big or small, and not having the support network around