

我认为,好的邻居是很重要的。 举一个很现实的例子,你早上出门上班或者晚上回家的时候,如果门口放着需要带进门的生鲜蔬菜以及重物,有邻居帮你提上楼,是不是觉得很暖心呢? 再比如,你在半夜突然被争吵声惊醒发现有人在敲门,是陌生人敲门,你会不会感到害怕?这时有个邻居出来看看情况是不是好很多?

再举个例子,你在家休息,突然有人敲门,打开门一看是小孩子,问你是不是这个房间住着xxx?然后你恍然大悟,原来是邻居的小孩子玩丢了钥匙,让你帮忙给送一下。这样的情形有没有碰到过? 有好的邻居,有时候真的是会给你省掉很多麻烦事儿。 我住的这栋楼里有一个特别热心肠的大姐,谁家有事需要帮忙她总会出现,之前疫情期间有个邻居需要买菜,但是不敢出去买担心被感染,于是大姐就主动帮忙去买,到了之后还打电话通知家人取菜。 这样善良热心的好人总是会有好报应的,前些时候她得了癌症,需要长期治疗,家里有两个孩子正在上学,了解到她家的情况,小区里不少热心邻居都自发组织起来轮流去陪伴、照顾她的生活。 我相信,用真心对待别人的人也会得到别人的善待。 好邻居就像是一个圈子一样,把你包围在其中,给你温暖也给你力量。


A: Neighbors are extremely important in each person’s life. They can be life-savers sometimes when your family and friends are nowhere around. Many people regard their neighbors as friends and relatives, and spend much time with them. Neighbors are more reliable than anybody else if you have no one to take care of your home while you are away. It would be really awful if you go to a place for many days and then return to find everything in a mess. The whole atmosphere in a locality would be wonderful if the neighbors are kind-hearted people. Even a family with enough money, friends and family members might become lonely if surrounded by mean neighbors.

B: With the development of human society and progress of human being, neighbors are becoming more and more important. Neighbors are those people who can provide you with an opportunity to learn from each other, and to enhance the human connection. People living in the same community may develop a sense of togetherness and belonging, which will definitely improve the living qualities of the residents.

C: Nowadays it is quite common for the children to be sent to kindergarten or to be tutored at home. As a result, many elderly people are often left alone at home when their children are at work and grandchildren are at kindergarten. To such people, living with good neighbors mean a lot. These neighbors can take out the rubbish, water the flowers and even watch out for the safety of their homes when the elderly are out. If they are in trouble, it is these neighbors who can offer them help in the first place.

D: As we all know, family is the basic unit in each society. An organized community should also be cared for by every member. The neighbors should provide the newcomers with the help that they need. They should do their best to make the new neighbors feel comfortable in the new surroundings. They should keep the community environment clean, so that every resident could feel at home and enjoy living there.
