


面签过程: 先排号等叫号进一个房间,然后会给你一个面试编号和一个小条子(上面有你的申请号和预约日期时间),小条上还有你的英文名字和中文名字的首写字母(方便签证官找到你的档案资料)。


我:Hello, my name is xxx and I am visiting here to see my parents who are both British residents (and living in London) from Oct 7th till Nov 8th this year for holiday. This will be at the end of a trip which has started on October 4th, so we plan to fly back on Oct 9th. We have been married since Dec last year and we live and work together as an accountant & tax consultant respectively in Singapore with full time working experience over there for about more than 5 years now. Our total earnings before taxation each month would be £xxx, our monthly expenses including rent/mortgage, insurance payment, utility bills etc would cost us around £xxxx per month but it varies depending upon how much you spend on food or shopping etc. We also own two properties valued currently at approximately one million pounds sterling, one of them was bought some ten months after marriage whereas other is jointly owned by three people including myself. Apart that, we do not have any major liabilities such as mortgages or loans. My husband's bank statement shows his savings account current balance amounting to £XXXX, while mine holds XXXXX. Also attached enclosed below please find two copies of our wedding invitation card issued by the local registrar in England, which clearly states 'The legal requirements of registering a civil partnership under English law were fulfilled at this office on December XXX, 20X3'; original ones are still kept by us in our immigration files. It is noted down exactly when received, date sent out etc. And another copy of our passport sized photographs; if your office needs further documents or information regarding these please let me know and i can send those through email later today. If needed, we could provide additional documents like house rental agreement, proof of ownership, etc;it depends upon what you require.

签证官:So you just want to visit UK for 3 weeks? But why do you need visa


我觉得题主可能只是想了解一些经验吧 。我18年去上海签的移民签证(2500块钱),我是通过携程旅游帮我去办的,大概3个月出结果。 在国内的时候,携程的旅游顾问会发一个预约单给你确定时间地点,然后到了之后他会带你在使馆门口集合,然后一起进去(人多的话),在门口会有工作人员帮你检查材料是否齐全,核对信息之后让你填写入境卡片和护照号码,之后会让你选择进入哪个大厅办理。一般情况有4个大厅,一个是留学类签证的大厅,还有是探亲、旅游签证的大厅等,根据你不同的情况选择一个就可以了;

接着就是等待叫号了,轮到你的时候会有工作人员领你去相应的柜台进行下一步操作,这个过程中你要把材料递给工作人员看,如果有什么问题他们会让你补材料或者说明原因,没有特殊情况都会让你过。整个流程比较快捷,但是一定要带齐所有证件!!尤其是身份证和毕业证原件,千万记得!不然很麻烦! 如果顺利拿到签证了就会收到邮件通知你的签证已经下来了,需要去取,就可以带着护照和邮件去大使馆拿哦~
