

1. 英国移民政策,现在还是相对宽松的;但是具体要看申请人是什么情况、去干什么了哦~ 我先简单举几个例子吧: 有申请人是英国永居,为了工作回英的;有学生毕业想留英工作的;有申请人在英国留学期间拿到雇主offer直接转工签的(这个是最容易的)……还有我们遇到很多拿短期签证来英国探亲或旅游,然后滞留不走的。

2. 所以呢~只要你有合理的理由说明你的来意和计划,签证官就会给你发放签证咯!当然,你要是有足够说服力的好材料就更好啦~ 不过,我还是要提醒一下大家哦~不要抱有侥幸心理哦~比如,您如果以访友的名义来的话最好真的只是访友,而不是其他目的。又或者是,您是以学生身份来英国的,就不要到处乱跑影响学业。因为签证官都是经验丰富的“老狐狸”啦。如果你表现的过于可疑,他们是会重点观察你的哟~~~~

3. 接下来我再说说我遇到过的拒签案例吧~ 这个就比较有意思了哈!我遇到过不少在英国读本科的学生,他们有的毕业后也留在当地工作了,有的则回国就业或继续深造去了。结果当他们再回来英国读书时,都被签证官给打了回来了~ 为什么会出现这样的情况捏?原来是因为这些学生在英国接受高等教育的时候所拿到的毕业证书上的学位等级为ordinary degree。而普通学士学位在申英国研究生时,通常只能拿到con-offer,即有条件录取。也就是说,这些同学由于本科阶段的学术成绩未达到英国高校硕士学位的最低标准而被拒签了~~~ 这可真是让人哭笑不得呀!所以,各位想来英国镀金的小伙伴们一定要三思后行呀~~

4. 目前常见的赴英签证类型有以下几种:

①Tier4 Student Visa for academic study (general)

②Tier4 General student visa, with an approved sponsor i.e. a college or university in Tier 4 sponsorship

③Tier 4 Child Student visas, which are issued only to children under the age of 16. They should be accompanied by one parent/legal guardian who has obtained their own Tier 4 general student visa as a Sponsor and will assume financial responsibility over them, including meeting tuition fees and accommodation costs if required

④Tier 4 child student visas also exist where a foreign national child is being sponsored by his or her parents while still studying in that country but wishes to come to Britain once they have finished school or are due to finish shortly, because he wants to join his British citizen mother or father here.

⑤Tier 4 student visas may occasionally be granted on the basis of “Exceptional Circumstances”, e.g, when students do not meet all the requirements listed above but can show compelling reasons why another type of visa cannot be obtained, such as obtaining entry clearance in their home country

⑥Visiting Family Members Visas (FAM), which allow family members of people who hold settled status, UK permanent residence or indefinite leave to remain visa holders to accompany them to England. This includes partners (married or civil partnered), children, stepchildren, grandchildren, parents , brothers


作为一个英国留学过来人,可以负责任的说,英国签证没有难办的时候,也没有容易的时候! 先来说下材料准备吧,我是今年9月份拿到的offer(爱丁堡大学),10月24申请的T4学生签证,现在还没有收到结果。。。但是我的朋友们都已经拿到了。所以在这里给小伙伴们分享一下大概需要准备的材料清单吧~





雅思成绩单原件和复印件两份 PS:因为本人去的是语言班,所以还需要提供PTE成绩和语言班的录取书哦~~



住宿证明原件及复印件两份 以上材料只是参考哦,具体还是看签证官要求哈~~~
