

美国签证的审批结果是通过和拒签都是通过短信形式告知申请人的,没有电话告知的方式 1、签证通过后的短信内容如下: Visa was granted by consul general on DATE OF VISIT. You may now print your admittance stamp from the STAMP OFFICE at any US Embassy or Consulate post worldwide, and present it along with your passport to the officer for visa stamping upon arrival in the U.S. The validity of this admission stamp is one year from the date issued. Enjoy YOUR trip, USA! For additional information about visas: usvisa-info.com 。

2、签证被拒后的短信内容如下: Your application for a nonimmigrant visa was not approved because you have been determined insufficiently believable that you will return to your home country before the expiration of the period of permitted stay as stipulated in section 214(b)of the Immigration and Nationality Act. You are advised to seek appropriate counsel if you intend to reapply. Please note: This message does not apply to visa holders already in the United States who wish to change their nonimmigrant status within the country or obtain an extension of stay beyond the initial authorized period. These individuals should contact their nearest USCIS Field Office or American Consular Representative for further clarification regarding these matters. Thank you.


直接问使馆,如果使馆说过了 就是过了 如果没给你回信,那就是拒了 但是一般情况,使馆会发短信告诉你是否出签的 但有时候会有短信发错的情况,这个就要自己打电话给大使馆确认下哈! 大使馆的电话在百度搜就能找到~
